
Showing posts from December, 2018


The Moba Attempt: Google Drive : youtube:

Documenting the App

Image Stenography Lib PR: WIKIIntro:! Intro: I received an inventions to be a collaborator in the project!!!!! This was pretty exciting as the traffic this repo receives is pretty good. Because if this i want to put my mark on the project!! For this short period of time, that isn't bad. My task today is as a new collaborator I'm going to introduce myself and create a uml diagram so collaborators can see how the system is built + where to make changes. Building the uml took along time as the new star uml was different. Going through this process helped my understanding of the whole app. Given the visual representation I know where im going to start adding functionality / improve the app. I can see many places where there is extra values stored tha...

Release 0.4

Release 0.4 Github: Overview:           OSD has been a large learning experience, really enjoyable!  I got to work on multiple interesting repo's in-which I could select myself, It couldn't get better than that. Given that Im taking PRJ666 at the same time I found the class incredibly useful in managing that project, as we needed to use github as well. OSD600 gave me the time to research skills I needed for my other project. I think is should be mandatory in semester 6  of the CPA program.          While my first PRs were small, Xojo hello World, bmi-calculator. They eventually grew inside as I became more comfortable working with git and Github.  My last external PRs Involve this Stenography library in-which I was granted Collaborator status!       This was exciting. Looking at the network graphs I can see that the repo gets pretty decent am...

Image Steg Base64 encoding

Moar Steg! PR: ISSUE: For this issue, we're going to look at why this app doesn't support Chinese characters. From my experience this has to do with byte values involved with the encryption, some characters when encrypted leave the range of readable characters and dataloss occurs. To Prevent this we must implement Base64 encoding on the strings to ensure we don't have this loss. I ran into a few roadblock in the process, firstly I had to find out where and how the payload for their steg works. My problem was if I base encode the payload with flags, since were looping through the Image pixels on decoding to find the flag its not ideal or great to perform decoding there as well. What I did was just implemented the encoding on the payload, on both sides encoding and decoding. I had to not use the compr...