Release 0.4

Release 0.4



          OSD has been a large learning experience, really enjoyable!  I got to work on multiple interesting repo's in-which I could select myself, It couldn't get better than that. Given that Im taking PRJ666 at the same time I found the class incredibly useful in managing that project, as we needed to use github as well. OSD600 gave me the time to research skills I needed for my other project. I think is should be mandatory in semester 6  of the CPA program. 

        While my first PRs were small, Xojo hello World, bmi-calculator. They eventually grew inside as I became more comfortable working with git and Github.  My last external PRs Involve this Stenography library in-which I was granted Collaborator status! 

     This was exciting. Looking at the network graphs I can see that the repo gets pretty decent amount of visitors. This could be a great thing to have on my portfolio! 

I've got 3 Open PR for the repo, Im hoping to get the owner, other collaborator to look at it

        I think the thing with this repo is that is has a really great name, so when people google for steg android the hit this repo. Im planning to continue working on this repo, adding different algorithms, encryption + servicing tickets. Given my plans to add more to the app, I wanted to fully explore it. I created a StarUML Class Diagram and attached it in a PR for the collaborators + posted on the wiki introducing myself.

I'm mostly proud of my contribution to this issue:

        While it wasn't a huge fix needed. Im glad I knew what do to add support for the Chinese characters + the ability to make it happen. I ran into alot of issues as I needed to ensure that I wasn't messing with their payload flags when encoding/decoding. 


     I think OSD600 was a useful course, it definitely got me interested in contributing to project , building a portfolio. Im going to use what I learned + the repos im involved with to help my recent graduated friends learn to contribute  open sourced as well. It seems like a great way to learn and show employers your work!


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