Release 0.3

Tasks Completed:

  • Updated ReadMe
  • Created Instructional Wiki for Install
  • Created Instructional Guide for Running
  • Created a Short Video Guide
  • Provided Starting Script to Send Packets
  • Implemented  anonymous thread classes to better performance
  • Applied knowledge learned to other project

Relative Links:

Task Talk
     Internal PRs:

     Firstly I needed to get people excited about Darkchatter, so I edited a text I made in a previous semester. I then added that to the Readme. Installing and Running the back-end can be a bit confusing to new comers so I made the first page of the Darkchatter wiki be a guide on how to install and run. I supplied the commands to install the necessary programs, along with a short video guide on running the program

  Talking with other students, this seems interesting but its the challenge of getting started. I lent out my usb wifi dongle so that a student could use it with a VM (cant control wifi card exclusively on VM)

I took some time to view the other repo's and respond to the PRs. Answering any questions

Im starting to embrace Open Source leadership style I believe.

I was also excited to see that Muchtar had added command line args! Later he said hes going to merge it with my sample file , this will be great to work from.

Im hoping that we can have more PRs from others.

   For my other contributions Im doing alot of research on how to receive the packet the best. I supplied a sample function that would take the interface name and a string then broadcast packets with the string as SSID on that interface. With Scapy there are different ways to assemble packets and the most interesting case is building them off a string. It seems to just take the string converts it to bytes, assembles a malformed packet and still sends it. They can be seen back in string format by looking at the RAW(packet)  <---Scapy Function

Within the repo I included images of the byte maps in Wireshark.

External PR

For the External I wanted to pick something in-which I can use what I learned in my own application for PRJ666. I decided to look back at the RSA encryption app in-which I made a small change for Hacktoberfest. My task this time as I know its important for performance on Android, is to make the encryption and decryption threaded. I originally thought it would be really easy just start a thread and done, but since in this app I was encrypting then decrypting the same string I needed to make sure that the first thread would finish before the 2nd. I didn't really think about this and continued to think my variables weren't saving correctly, but after realizing in the output some decryption logs were called before encryption completed, i figured out what was wrong. 

Returning these threads made a workaround so I could control the handle for .Join()

to make sure i have something to decrypt in the test

My code changes for this are in my PR:

OnActivityResult (ExternalPR):

Once I did the External PR I was on a mission! I needed to add threading to my application as during the encryption + Stenography the system hangs up for a seconds before resulting back to the activity. My goal going in was to use Threading to make this transition more smooth. After lots of fighting with the code, this was the result 

In this case I needed to pass the thread multiple bits of information, I needed to implement a Runnable() that accepts the final variables declared above (They have to be final). When I did this I noticed a much more smooth transition when this workload was put on the system. I was really happy I was able to take what I learned in the external PR and apply it to what I have to do.

The Improvement is at 20 Seconds in, Its still very rough

Also looking at the Network of project is really neat!



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