Lab 6

Getting Started with Darkchatter
I started by supplying a great read me along with steps for getting started.

I had to really do a lot of research to figure out what Im going to do. I started with a simple scapy script found on their documentation , This just simply floods the area with packets on a fake AP. I also learned that once in monitor mode i can send packets without and destination and they are shown to be wifi protocol in Wireshark.

Here's a sample capture:

In this capture I set the SSID to be a string in the packet and sent it out.

Funny enough i found the best place to work on this is the subway trip to and from school as there are little to no wifi traffic in the tunnels.

My next steps are to use wireshark to figure out what each bit / byte arrays correspond to what field, this can be seen above with the highlighted bit.
I will have to make a record for what fields I can fill with information


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