Adding Simple Radios Ends in Bot Madness

Adding Simple Radios Ends in Bot Madness

This very simple BMI calculator app has BMI calculation but no selection if you are a male or female which does change where you BMI 'roughly' a new stat could be added for those competitor types, 'percentile' 

First thing I need to do is add radio buttons for selecting if man or woman! First lets go to the layout!

With a constrained layout it was pretty easy to just set a radio group in. I had to ensure that it was anchored to the top  with the child item anchored to the bottom of parent.

For the code, I need to add 2 blocks of code one for men other for woman that calculates what percentile the BMI is in. This will happen after the BMI is already calculated. 

Just simple selecting the percentile and updating the text !

Now time to push and post a PR


When I did do a PR the bots blew up with stylenits alot of which would take a lot to change. I did change a few but some didn't resolve.


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